Technical Domains

Support can be provided in several technical Borehole Seismic domains at various levels from full project management to specific data QC issues or concerns.

  • Zero offset and offset VSP

  • Walkabove (vertical incidence)

  • Walkaway (AVO, anisotropy, imaging)

  • Downhole, single & multi well

  • Surface arrays

  • Induced seismicity monitoring

  • Imaging tomography

  • Reflection tomography

  • Attenuation tomography

  • Full aperture sensing using distributed acoustic sensing

  • VSP and microseismic potential


Services provided throughout the project lifecycle

Working closely with the service provider from project inception to conclusion provides the client with the benefits of 30+ years of domain expertise on an ad hoc basis.

Project Design

  • Identification of project objectives

  • Pre project planning, feasibility & risk assessment

  • Ray trace modeling & synthetics

Project Implementation

  • Acquisition QC & reporting

  • HSE monitoring & reporting

  • Cost tracking

  • Client / service company liaison

Data Processing

  • Processing QC

  • Processing parameter and flow optimization

  • Data assessment against project objectives

  • Data delivery and reporting



  • Data assessment against project objectives

  • Incorporate data into client model